The reviews on accommodation experiences are provided by users who booked on our platform (indicated as “Verified Guest by atraveo”) and/or by our providers (as indicated then).
The final star rating (up to a maximum of 5) is the simple average of all the ratings for the specific offer that are available to us (i.e. we add all ratings we receive and divide this sum by the number of available ratings). In rare cases a star rating delivered by one of our providers may be rounded up by that provider and therefore may differ compared to the provider’s own system.
Reviews that are collected by our providers can’t be directly verified by us - we trust our providers to check their authenticity.
If a review is collected from a user who booked on our platform and who (to the best of our knowledge) stayed at the accommodation, the badge “Verified Guest by atraveo” appears. Hence, a review by a “Verified Guest by Atraveo” originates from a user who booked on our platform ensuring that only such real guests may submit a review at all (booking and review details need to be identical).
If the name of a person who has submitted a review is not available, we display “Guest”.
Shown reviews may be star ratings with or without text, or review texts without star rating depending on what we receive from our users who booked or from our providers. We may display an average of star ratings by our providers, while an overall star rating by us may be calculated based on additional ratings. For some offers, only reviews from the respective provider are displayed.
The overall rating of an offer may distinguish between multiple sub-categories. The score per sub-category is a simple average of all ratings that are available to us for that sub-category considering the following question behind these sub-categories:
- Cleanliness: Was the accommodation neat and organized at arrival?
- Equipment: Did the accommodation have all the appliances and amenities you needed and that were advertised?
- Hospitality: Did you feel welcome?
- Overall impression: Did the accommodation look fine from the outside?
- Location: Is it close to nearby attractions?
- Price / value: Did you receive good value for your money?
Definitions used by our providers may differ from the above raised questions, while we keep our interpretation.
The overall truthfulness of review texts is not checked. However, we may remove reviews if we become aware that a review is fake, includes illegal, personal or defamatory content (e.g. hate speech, discrimination, threats, violent language). Actions may be taken against reviewers who act inappropriately, particularly in an illegal manner.
In addition, reviews on our platform’s services may be displayed that are gathered through review collection tools (like